Helpful information for parking vehicles in Key West
Parking, especially in the Historic area known as Old Town, can be difficult. Options include metered street parking, non-metered street parking, City owned pay lots and garages, and non-city owned pay lots and garages.
City Owned Pay Lots & Garage Locations:
Park N Ride Old Town Garage
Location: corner of Grinnell Street and Caroline Street
Number of spaces: 300
Hours of operation: Offers 24-hour access
Parking Rates: $5.00 / hour, $40.00 maximum per day (automated pay station accepts credit cards, debit cards, and coins only)
Additional Information:
Overnight parking permitted
Cars, vans, and passenger trucks only
Height restriction 7 ft 2 in
No vehicle storage
Free Public Transportation! – Your Park n Ride Garage ticket entitles you to ride public transportation in the City of Key West for free. Just present your ticket stub to the bus driver when you enter the bus. Free bus service is only available until the expiration date printed on your ticket stub and is not applicable to the Lower Keys Shuttle service. Bus stops are located on the corner of Grinnell and Caroline for your convenience.
Caroline Street Outdoor Parking Lot
Location: Corner of Caroline Street and Margaret Street
Number of spaces: 135
Hours of operation: 8:30 am to 12:00 midnight, 7 days a week
Parking Rates: $5.00 / hour, $40.00 maximum per day (automated pay station accepts credit cards, debit cards, and coins only)
Additional Information:
Overnight parking available
10-day maximum parking
Cars, vans, and passenger trucks only
Lot is handicap accessible
Vehicle storage prohibited
Mallory Square Outdoor Parking Lot
Location: Wall Street, near 1 Whitehead Street
Number of spaces: 100
Hours of operation: 8:30 am to 12:00 midnight, 7 days a week
Parking Rates: $6.00 / hour, $48.00 maximum per day (automated pay station accepts credit cards, debit cards, and coins only)
Additional Information:
NO overnight parking available
Cars, vans, and passenger trucks only (no RV’s, campers, buses, or trailers)
Lot is handicap accessible
Fire Station Parking Lot
Location: Simonton Street at Angela Street
Hours of operation: 8:30 am to 12:00 midnight, 7 days a week
Parking Rates: $4.00 / hour (automated pay station accepts credit cards, debit cards, and coins only)
Additional Information:
10-hour maximum parking
No overnight parking available
Cars, vans, and passenger trucks only (no RV’s, campers, buses, or trailers)
Lot is handicap accessible
Non-City Garage:
Westin Resort & Marina Parking Garage
Location: 245 Front Street (next to Mallory Square),
Parking Rates: offers parking for non-guests for $4.00 per hour.
Street Metered Parking
Parking meters in Key West are being replaced with electronic pay stations, each usually located in the middle of a block. These accept coins or credit cards, and issue a receipt that you put on your dashboard.
There is a portion of the receipt that you should detach and keep with you, just in case the other part blows off your dashboard or somehow goes missing. Once you have paid for time, the receipt is good at any metered spot – so you if you haven’t used up all the time, you can drive to another spot and the meter will be paid until the time shown on the receipt
Parking Rates: Metered parking costs $3.00 per hour (automated pay station accepts credit cards, debit cards, and coins only)
Hours: Parking meter regulations are enforced 7 days per week, 8am-midnight.
Time Limit: There is a 3-day maximum for parking in a spot on city streets.
Street Parking
The neighborhoods of Old Town offer some free parking spaces, but be aware that many of the spots are marked “Residential Only” and visitors are NOT permitted to park in them.
Don’t expect to find a free parking space near your destination. It might be better to walk, bicycle, or take a taxi and leave the car behind.
Where to Rent a Car
If you need a car in Key West, they are available at:
- Key West International Airport – offers the most choices, including Avis, Budget, Dollar, Hertz, and Thrifty
- 2516 North Roosevelt Blvd. – Enterprise and Alamo offer rentals at this non-airport location. Here you might save some money since you will not be charged the airport concession fee.